纯小分子鸡尾酒疗法促进人类多能干细胞向肝细胞的分化 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy
原文作者:Cong Du, Yuan Feng, Qiu, Yan Xu, Mao Pang, Nan Cai, Andy Peng Xiang and Qi Zhang
在发表于Stem Cell & 的 and from human stem cells by pure small- 一文中,来自中山大学附属第三医院的Qi Zhang及其研究团队基于纯小分子鸡尾酒疗法,开发了一种新型高效的人类多能干细胞的肝细胞分化方案。这种方法依靠三步策略在短短的13天内,逐步诱导肝细胞的分化,包括定型内胚层分化、肝脏特化和肝细胞成熟。
图1. 诱导hPSC逐步分化为肝细胞的三阶段。
Cong Du et al.
The of human- stem cells holds great for ample . have in from human stem cells in vitro by viral-based of and/or of the , the issue of viral and high cost of would the . , the use of small has as a tool to cell fate for their , , cell , and cost-.
In the study, we a novel of human stem cells with pure small- . This in a , , , and only 13 days.
The -like cells were to from -based and . These cells not only at the and , but also main liver such as , , P450 , and green and .
and from human stem cells could be by our novel, pure, small- , which a cost- for in vitro of the of human liver and holds for .
Stem Cell & ( , 4.963 - 2-year , 5.382 - 5-year ) is the major forum for into stem cell . An peer- , it high- open with a on basic, and into stem cell and , and . The also , , , and .