
日期: 2025-01-25 16:05:42 |浏览: 30|编号: 67135




过了一会儿,我们到达了黄山山的脚下。我很高兴看到我可以爬上山,但是成年人考虑了一下,说:“我们上山,拿起缆车。我们将努力工作,走下山。”但是我听说上山比下山要容易得多。 ?出色地!最好听成年人。














我想知道您是否听说过 。一个巨大的石柱直射到天空。顶部有一个小凹槽,一块小石头在那里嵌入。就像一角钱倒置。据说在古代,李·拜(Li Bai)在梦中看到了这块石头,并为之努力寻找,最后在黄山山( )找到了它。因此,后来的几代人将其命名为。也许这反映了李贝的才华的钦佩。在观看了孟比花之后,我们休息了一小段时间,我们的下一个目的地是费拉西()。这种飞石确实值得它的名字。它站在石柱的顶部,看上去很突然,好像它从天上掉下来了。根据导游:“飞石和石柱顶部之间的接触区域几乎为零!”这使人们必须叹息着天地之间自然积累的无限魅力和神奇的笔触。他们在我们的存在中是如此真实和虚幻。在你面前。此刻,在自然界面前,言语是如此苍白且无能为力。在飞行的石头上方,人们正是巨石,这是黄山山的第二高峰。杜福的诗说:当您到达山顶时,您会看到所有的小山脉。蓝天和白色的云层站在山顶上,似乎可以触及,自发产生了一种自豪感。当一只鸟看着广阔的土地时,一切都这么小。也许大自然已经在其起伏的眼睛和眉毛的角落积累了数千种魅力。在景色午餐后,我们再次出发。在途中,我们钦佩乌龟的背部,一只大乌龟在其背上带有一只小乌龟。它是完整的形式和精神,充满乐趣,使人们发笑。另一个半小时的散步将带您去黄山山上最著名的热门松树。与公众对欢迎松树的一致赞美相比,我更多地同意作家Zhao 对欢迎松树的看法。欢迎的松树是超然和孤独的。它应该继续被忽略,并继续在偏远的山脉和森林中进行练习。但是,今天,欢迎的派恩承受了太多的荣誉和赞美,但这不是它想要的。就像一位伟大的剑客总是很寂寞一样,欢迎的松树也是如此。也许有一天,欢迎的松树将被我们自己的手摧毁!经过春季和秋季的悲伤。我们去黄山的旅程快要结束了。接下来,我们要下山。出色地!我以为我一生都很聪明,但是我很困惑了一段时间。我最初认为来到黄山会很棒。如果我能在山路上散步的乐趣,那就太好了。这样,这不是耻辱。所以我们走下了山,但现实总是残酷的。在走一条比向西方旅程的更长的道路(自我感知)之后,我们终于走下了山。我的腿和胃在颤抖,我无法牢牢忍受。屏住呼吸后,我们上了公共汽车。在这一点上,我们去黄山的旅程确实结束了。



松树的弯曲与三英尺高的盘子一样弯曲,铁树干水平延伸到半英亩以上。怀疑这是Fuqiu Qian坐着的地方,而今天的蒲团仍然保留。


我们从南门走去,第一个场景是黄山山的欢迎松树。起初,我一直认为这只是一棵树。因此,我没有去上升,而是独自一人走去。只有一半,我发现了黄山的奇观和危险。这条道路被认为是黄山最坦率的。除了天空线非常陡峭的斜坡,基本上很平坦。导游提醒我:不要走路看风景,也不要在步行时看到风景。这充分表明,通往黄山山的道路不能分散注意力,必须走上路。在悬崖上行走,我害怕脚下的道路,总是担心我会不小心陷入深渊,但另一方面,我很贪婪,想在眼中欣赏风景。我不想通过看石阶而错过风景,而且我也害怕如此高。 ,停下来,不愿意走得太快,但希望看到更多美丽的风景。







Xu Xiake的《前往黄山山的日记》唱片:在月球的第六天,天空非常灿烂。那些正在寻找指南的人,每个人都携带拐杖在山上并经过 。从左上角,有石峰被石台阶所包围,其中石台阶被雪平整,看起来像玉。在郁郁葱葱的植被和树木中,您可以抬头看,看到山上纠结在一起,而天空则雄伟地升起。几英里以来,台阶变得更陡峭,积雪变得更深。雪在阴影中变成冰,使它太滑了,无法触摸您的脚趾。 Yu 用他的员工切入冰,为前脚趾打一个洞,然后另一个洞移动后脚趾。那些遵循此方法的人将得救。如今,降雪之后攀登黄山山的困难和危险要比古人要小得多,但是它仍然需要比平时更多的体力和能量。我们将旅游巴士直接乘前往 和 进入大门。一开始爬山时,我们必须小心。中午附近,太阳越来越高,石台阶上的积雪开始融化。我们的攀爬速度显然加速了。我儿子在前面走着,用左手握着一条链,用右手拿着竹棍。当他爬行时,他会不时转身给我一只手。由于无法抵抗美丽风景的诱惑,他停下来拍照一会儿,然后抓住了一些雪塞。在嘴里解渴。中午,我们爬到了 Tower,这是“黄山山区最风景秀丽的地方”,文字中描述的奇怪的松树 - 欢迎的松树就在我们面前...

黄山已经下雪了几天,但今天突然清除了,使我们能够赶上黄山的稀有云层。从尤兴塔( Tower)观看黄山()的南中国海,除了辛纳巴尔峰( Peak),老人峰(Old Man Peak)和紫色峰( Peak)外,我们看到了一片广阔的云层和无数的山峰沉入海中。 和其他峰的山峰像海中的岛屿一样暴露在海中。漫游的云彩和雾气,聚集和分散,就像海洋中广阔的蓝色波浪一样。银波空着,无休止地滚动。看到这个美妙的场景,儿子忍不住喊道:“妈妈,这是如此美丽,如此美丽!”。休息了短暂的休息后,我们决定爬上Aoyu山峰,攀登到 Peak,以观看黄山山上的天空和大海的奇观。下午的旅行比早晨要困难得多。我儿子身体状况良好,并一直支持老年人和年轻人。他还与来自的同龄男孩结交了朋友。他们说话并笑了,以稀释对沿着陡峭的斜坡以及攀岩疲劳的恐惧。 。

终于到达了葡萄山峰,我看到周围的山峰被淹没在云层中,但这里有晴朗的天空。前面的Aoyu峰和“ Aoyu”背面的“金龟”在云层中更加美丽。看着塔前的南中国海,您将不知道天空和大海的美丽。从明亮的顶部,您可以看到东中国,南中国海,西海,北海和天海。

晚上,当我握住儿子的手走在坦仓镇的街道上时,他对我说:“妈妈,我能理解Xu Xiake的“从黄山回来而不看山的山”的艺术概念,谢谢




当然,在黄山,每个人都知道奇怪的岩石和奇怪的松树。石头包括大兄弟大石头,费莱石头,乌龟和蛇将军,朱·巴吉(Zhu Bajie)吃西瓜等。我最喜欢的是阿尤峰(Aoyu Peak)和猴子()观看大海。顾名思义,Aoyu Peak是一个很大的Aoyu,它的尺寸巨大,给我留下了深刻的印象。看着大海的猴子生动而栩栩如生。松树包括欢迎松树,连接松树,看到松树等。我最喜欢的是黑老虎松树,因为它象征着男性的勇敢和力量。

当然,奇怪的岩石和奇怪的松树是密不可分的。例如,“ Fairy ”有许多充满活力的松树在岩石上生长,站在云层和雾中。


早上4点,我在等待 的日出。一开始,对面的山顶散发出一点灯光。慢慢地,金色的阳光在地球上闪耀,然后一点一点地变得更亮。最后,整个阳光从山后面爆发出来,强烈的阳光甚至使我无法睁开眼睛。目前,天空中的乌云变成红色,好像它们着火了。这就是的名字。



明朝的旅行者兼地理学家徐小克曾两次访问过黄山山,并赞扬了黄山山。他说:“当您攀登黄山山时,世界上没有山脉。您必须看到它!” ”声誉。


黄山很温暖。当我们到达山的脚下并下车后,一阵热风袭击了我们。突然,我们在整个汗水中流汗,展示了黄山的热情!一路上,黄山的热情一点也没有减少。不仅如此,直到我们爬上7.5公里,我们才看到了黄山()的第一棵“接待员”树 - 欢迎的松树。欢迎的松树在悬崖的顶部生长,其厚厚的树干和树枝延伸到双方,好像用张开双臂欢迎我们。可以想象,黄山一定想感受到在“接他们”之前来拜访他的客人的诚意,因此他铺平了一条漫长的山路,以便他有更多的时间为热情的欢迎做准备。但是这种热情对我们来说太大了!

黄山也很调皮。当我们出发前往 Peak时,山脉起伏不定,有很多姿势。就像一个热爱艺术的顽皮的孩子一样,他雕刻并粗心大意地绘制了每块岩石。结果,有些石头像海龟一样静止不动,有些看起来像是突变的大鱼。有些看起来像锋利的刀子刺入云层,有些看起来像生锈的斧头。有些看起来像芝麻包裹的煎饼,有些像是从女孩身上悬挂的华丽而优雅的披肩。一些步骤就像梯子从天上掉下来,真的很陡!他嬉戏的陶布(Daubs)很高兴看到和雄伟壮观,就像收藏家的广泛收藏一样,这很有趣。

黄山仍然很体贴。当我如此疲倦以至于我喘不过气时,黄山在我面前放了一个大石凳,擦掉了灰尘,洒了一点雨水让我休息。当我热门汗水时,海浪来自黄山? Dog's Dream 仪器遇到了龋齿,受到机械胶覆盖的受损腋窝,Meng Yi Bao Meal Award,Bolt ,“ Yong class ,Yong class , Mold,Right ,right , Man,Plum,Plum,”?






除了各种形状的奇怪而美丽的松树外,黄山还拥有许多形状和形式的奇怪岩石。陡峭的山峰上有一块巨大的石头,称为“飞石”。我在想:这真的是一块从太空飞来的石头吗?另一个山峰上有一个可爱的“小猴子”。它静静地蹲在山顶上,双臂和腿部看着远处的云层。这是有趣的“猴子看大海”。还有“朱巴吉在吃西瓜”,“童话弹钢琴”,“蒂安古在看月球” ...



有了轻的步骤,我来到了著名的山 - 黄山。随着观光缆车向上移动,黄山的美丽风景逐渐露出眉毛。到达山腰后,我对它的迷人风景着迷,无法解脱自己。五分钟后,我们到达了缆车的尽头。下车后,我回头看着路。山被隐藏在白色的薄雾中。虽然我很开心,但我也感到有些害怕。毕竟,这是一座高度超过一千米的山,我有点害怕身高。目前,我们感到有点冷,当一阵风吹来时,我们发抖。很快,我们来到了我们欣赏黄山山( Stone)的宝藏之一的地方。据说这块飞石是Nuwa留下的石头,据说他正在修补天空,另一个是贾·鲍尤(Jia Baoyu)出生时嘴里的心理玉。飞石的形状是葫芦。从远处看,它看起来确实像是从天上飞来的石头。然后,我们来到了巨石,这是观看日出和日落的最佳场所。不幸的是,当我们到达这里时,已经是中午,我们无法享受美丽的日出和日落。这是黄山山的第二个山峰,高度为1,680米。在这里,有一个未完成的气象天文台。爬到最高点,您会看到无数的山峰在山的脚下蔓延,风景很美。您还可以看到黄山()的第一个山峰,比景明高4米。攀登莲花峰的游客就像蚂蚁,数量小,数量很大,非常壮观。接下来,我们将热情的松树带到这里。欢迎的松树的叶子伸向游客,仿佛从远处欢迎来宾,所以被称为欢迎的松树。欢迎的松树很出名。几乎所有来黄山山的游客都来拜访欢迎松树并拍照。黄山值得成为一座举世闻名的山,拥有美丽的风景,使人们忘记离开!




继续前进,绕过山峰,绕过,并很快达到了黄山的第二高峰:景色。雾逐渐变得更薄,另一侧的奇怪岩石也暴露在外。这些石头中的每一个都有自己的名字,例如“ Zhu Bajie”,“猴子看桃子”和“攀登梅花开花”。每个都有其自己的特征,自己的象形图和含义。当从不同角度观察时,形状是不同的和栩栩如生的。这确实是一件很棒的艺术品。 , 如此美丽。人们不禁欣赏自然的神奇创造。

看着手表,已经是中午了。我们继续沿着一百步的梯子前进,道路逐渐变得更加陡峭。该指南说,我们几乎要接近黄山山的主要山峰。每个人都在说话和笑,在不知不觉中,他们到达了 Peak。 Peak上的塔,古代被称为“ Yuan”,与左侧的 Peak和右侧的Lotus Peak相连。它是雄伟而伸展的,有山峰和山脊簇,而且很宏伟。在远古时代,有句话说:“如果您看不到修道院,您将不会看到黄山山”,这确实是非凡的。相反,天杜峰,尽管它在海平面高1,810米,而在三个主要峰中排名最高,但最陡峭。 Some say: "If you don't climb Peak, it's all in vain." But not can climb it. I from a , and it was up into the sky, so . At 12:30, we had lunch at Tower and on the to Peak.

It is said that many to climb in times, but they all ended in . For of years, only a few have up, which shows how it is. Now there is a to the sky, out to the top. The stone steps are only one wide. We hard and to the most point, "Cross Carp Back". This is a huge stone with of walls cut on both sides. The is only half a wide. on it, you have a of away. with the wind on the top of the , if you are not , you will fall into the abyss and be to . , there are stone and ropes to you here, so it is not so . After a while of , we all at Peak at 2:30 in the . Those " Slope" and " Carp Back" that made talk about it in times have been by us one by one. The fog , and , the peaks of Lotus Peak, , Tower, and Lion Grove and , and they were in and mist, into small . The is very , the of the sea of ​​ in . It can be said that it is a miles away, with a view.

from Peak, the road more , and the is even . The " Bun Peak", the "Line of Sky", deep caves, and seem to have been by God.为什么? It looks like a .

After the , the road slows down. Not long after , you can see the " ". A large of water falls from the sky. When it a huge , it cuts into two . The sound of wind and water the world, a huge The word "人" is like a two-foot white , in the wind, and . The creek on the is , and the water is clear and . For those who have the for a day, just wash your face and take a few sips, and you will feel no and feel .

The pines in are so and that they to their on the . The in are and vivid, and each piece has a . The peaks of are steep and tall, and the is . The in are and come and go a trace. I heard say that the of with the four . It seems that this time I have only a small part of the of . I have free time, I will come to again to look for more .

Notes 23

As the goes: When from , don't look at the .

the , my and I came to . It was time to go up the . In order to save , we to take the up the . While on the , my said to me: "The is more than 3,000 long and can 101 at the same time. It is the in Asia." As soon as my , we saw a rare . , the sun in is than that in the city The sun , , and . We were lucky there had just been a heavy rain in the night . We didn't to see such a early in the . Even the tour guide who has been on the all year round said We are lucky stars.

Among the many spots in , the one that me the most is . On , we not only saw the sea of ​​ on Peak, but also saw all kinds of on Lotus Peak. the sea of ​​ on Peak, which wraps the , and with the wind. It is , and the rocks on Lotus Peak are even more . Some are like the sea, and some are like the sea. carry on their backs, some look like Wu Song a tiger...these are all of !

After , my and I a steep road and saw the pine that I had been to for a long time. After the pine, I was about how long the pine and other pines . It's the same, but why is this pine the Pine? After to the tour guide's , I that this pine tree is of years old and has the most shape. From a , it looks like a big hand out to every who comes to . That's why it is It was named " Pine". My and I ran to the tree to take a photo with it. This time I . Not only did I see the , sea of ​​, and rocks in , but I also took a photo with the pine. I saw four of the five of . I was truly of this trip. , I will come to see you again.

Notes 24

is all over the world for its . I that have the of , which makes me a moved.

There are three and five , and is one of them. As the goes, "Don't look at the when you come back from the Five , and don't look at the when you come back from ." a very in my heart.

has four - pines, rocks, sea of ​​ and hot . is also very - the Peak and the West Sea Grand .

, the first to , named the as soon as he came to it. Later, was too and steep, and no one dared to it. Until the Tang , a Yake went up the , but the could not stop him, so he the - open a road when and build a when water. He is Li Bai. " is four feet tall and has -two lotus peaks. There are red with stone and " the of Lotus Peak. There are even fewer who have Peak. Those who have been Pumen, Seng, Li , Fang Ye and Xu Xiake.

Notes 25

" is four feet high and has -two lotus peaks. Tan Cui is stone and . Yixi rises to the top and looks down at the Pine. Where the made jade, they and left . I also heard about Wen Boxue, and we meet each other alone in the past. "Every time I the poems of the poet Li Bai, the of comes to my mind. The place in is !"

The sun its red face in the glow, and in an , of the and dyed the water with a layer of . Where is this ? This is me on the way to .

After a long night of , when even the stars were , I lay down in the car and fell , the I had of for a long time was as steep and as in the poem. Early the next , it was eight or nine o'clock in the , and the of and halos on the . The sun the thin and on the vast white land, a light that makes 's eyes . The pours down, on the earth- , the and calm the a . After a bumpy , we at the foot of . We first the map to the path next to the . This lived up to its name, just like a . The water in the , like a . White satin. The path is full of and with green grass. you look, there are rocks or green , which makes feel and happy. While , we the . With the as our , we the of the early. I knew it, 2 hours had and I at the . my mind was by the , it had been a long walk after all. When I at the , I 't help but take a rest and drink some water. My said, There were Tower and Pine in front of me. I was full of . for , I my and up.

The road to Tower was not that easy. There were steep stone . If you were not , you would trip over it. 10 had , we to give up in our . , there was a "must go" When you go to Tower, you must go to the Pine." by this , I to move . "When will we !" When I out , the of the pine in front of my eyes. "We're there!" I held on to my and ran with all my . , I can see the long- pine and tree. It is that are still a years ago, me, a tired, . After to the -year-old pine tree, I and came to Tower. There are many small shops here, where some that they like. I was also by the array of small gifts, and in front of each stall. . Tower is not the only hotel on the , but it is the most hotel on the . My said that Tower is an area with pine trees, and there are often and cute out there. Have fun and play. I about this scene, and 't help but sigh that I 't be lucky to watch this -like scene now.

Then up, the stone the road a large of who to the tour guide the of each stone. What is still fresh in my is when Zhu Bajie looks in the . There is a stone that looks like the of Zhu Bajie on the . in front of a stone that looks like a , it is "Zhu Bajie looks in the ?? He is not a human and ." It makes laugh when they see it. my eyes again, I saw the of the four and in " to the West". Sun was at the front, Tang Monk was a white horse, by Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk . to be like this. Some , , must not that this is the of .

up at the path, is the of many peaks in ? ? top. say that Top is a . on it, you can watch the at night, and you can see the whole of on the day when you stand on it the day. I can't help but be , wait for the , and look down. It is the just -to - . 's and have been , and there is a of "not fear of to cover the eyes, only to the level". that in a night, here, up at the sky, the North Star wants to say, in the north . This is a way of life.

notes in 26

, one of the top ten in China, is as World and . is known for its , rocks, and hot . My and I came to this and saw the style of . The there is named!

Early in the , my and I to . After five hours of drive, we came to the world - . One night of rest, we set off from Yungu , more than 800 by , and at at seven o'clock. , the is not good, so the fog and white are , and is in the cloud. After Ren , we soon at Shi , known for . Lian Song Li has two , one left and one right, both and , like a pair of twin . The black pine roots are , on the , like claws, with a shape.

go, turn, and soon reach the peak of : top. The fog is and , and the stone is also . These have their own names and their own , such as "Pig Eight Rings", " Peach", and " Plum". From , the forms are and . can't help but the .

After at the watch, it was noon. We to move along the 100 -step , and the road . The guide said that it was the main peak of . and , and went to . on Peak, known as Wen in times, is to the Peak on the left and the Lotus Peak on the right. It is , the peaks are , and the of wife are . In times, there was the of "not going to ".太神奇了。 The Peak, the is only 181 , at the end of the three main peaks, but the . But God did not help us, so we had to on the way home.

On the way home, I taste the of , the of the "Wuyue to the , and the of the ".

notes in Two 27

One night after rest, we got up at five o'clock. After , we are for the tour guide. After a while, the tour guide came, took us on the bus, and went to the bus to . We a cable car and took the cable car to the . We it was up in a cable car, which was . Some climb the . We want to at the Mid -, and wait for to in Bai and eat to rest.

After a while, the staff , and we to climb the . Along the way, we saw black tiger pine, five -claw pine, Li Lian pine, etc., and there were many : Cang , Pig , , Fairy Shoes and so on. We lived on the that night. four in the , my woke me up and let me see the . We found a place to see, but found that the sea of ​​ in the was dark and we 't see it . There is a cloud on the top of our heads that looks like a manta (FE (n)) in the sea. After a while, it is like a eagle with wings. , the in the red, and I saw a round, thing , that is, the sun, the on me into a , I my mouth and for for The sun rose and 它。 This is a scene.

After a while, the sun its face, which was 5:30. Under the of the tour guide, we took the cable car down the , had lunch, took a break, and then went home by long - bus. this trip, the great and of the left me a deep on me, which is also the of 's . We love it, it, and let it to glory.

notes in Two 28

to the tour guide, Lotus Peak is in the of , Peak, and Peak in the east, 1864 above sea level. It is the peak of , with an slope of more than 70 .

the , we from the north of the Lotus Peak. At the , the slope was not large. As the , the slope , and the road is . have to use hands and feet. It is "". The Lotus Peak is , and the main peak is . half of the , were , and some were , and they . We came to the " of the half , and Peak, which is . After more than half an hour of "", we the "Lotus Peak", as if in the sky, we could "grab" a cloud. down, we feel that "the other look short in the world." When the Lotus Peak down the , there are caves. The it "Lotus Cave". The cave is steep, and we go down the steps, such as the lotus cave. As the goes: "It's easy to go up the , it is to go down the ." We had to put our hands next to the rough stone slope, at the steps with our eyes, and under the . I want to give up, my me to say, "Come on, you can do it, there is will, where can there be ways?" After some "", we came to the foot of the Lotus Peak. up at the high lotus peak, I am very happy.

, we at the foot of , and I 't help , "I !"

notes in Two 29

the 11th , a few and I went to climb .

On the first day, we went to Shi , Black , the Sea Grand , and up the to watch the . The next , we went to climb the lotus peak to enjoy the pine, and went to make a hot in the .

My part of this trip to is to climb the lotus peak, enjoy pine, and soak hot ! That , we early and to set off. We set off on time at nine o'clock. First of all, we went to climb the lotus peak and stood at the foot of the . We all vowed to climb the peak. After the for a brief rest on the half , they took the lead to climb to the top of the . On the top of the , other look short under the sky. a lot of peaks under our feet, I found how I was, the peak of , Lotus Peak-! We saw a -like on the top of the , and -how !

From Lotus Peak, we went to see the ones. pine is very . It has three small on its trunk, the like its head, two small hands like its hands, as if hands to . , we went to a hot . in the hot pond, the water the body, very . There are many pools, ponds, red wine ponds, milk ponds and sand ponds. After in the hot , the of the past two days has been swept away!

The of the : Wuyue , not the ; when , they did not watch the . Yes, is !

notes in Two 30

's seven -day tour has , she still miss the .

On the first day of our trip, we the cave the "Ninth of the World". I think: Are they just a few big holes?这么奇怪吗? But after , I think this "world " is . We No. 35. to the guide, "26 the , and there are many load - walls. What we see is only the of the , and the whole is out." After to the tour guide . I can't help but the more than 1700 years ago. From the of , these and load - walls the of the , and with the of the , `. It has an and can . This is not easy today, let alone times. So what tools did the use the ?石头在哪里? What are the of stone ? This is the of Cave. No one knows the yet.

The next day, I in , my dream! "The of Wuyue, don't look at the , the of , don't look at the ." This is the words of the Ming Xu Xia as the words of . I the and went up the . is so high! This is my first for . The three main peaks of are above 1800 . We first the "Human State Falls". "Human - " is not wide, it is very . From a , this is like a large "". I the work of . We along the road and the top of the . When I heard that it was , I of the top of in "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji", but the tour guide told us that this top is not top. It is on the top. The is much than the top in "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji"! The top is 1860 high. When you look down from the top, you can't see the . is by the cloud. at it, you can see the lotus peak. on the top of the , I felt that there was a cloud me. On the way to Song and Ming, the was not very good, and it was , but this did not make me feel . Song Qi is one of the "four " in . There are no or rocks in . We Black Tiger Song, Li , Claw Song, pine ... After Song, we went to see " Dream " and " the Sea". , these two were by mist. It seems that we can only enjoy fog. If we don't see it, maybe it is the of our trip. Next, we are going to 7. Back to the hotel for 5 miles, the road is long, it is very . This me of the Red Army's 24,000 miles of Long March. with them, we are a piece of cake. it is a piece of small dish, it also makes us tired. At that time, my wish was to go back to the hotel and sit. Good , we at the hotel! On the day of , I could only it in one word: tired! The next day, we went to , and then there were two in the 100 -step . The first is Cave, and the is to walk along the first line. I chose the one . It is said that at first , there is a peach road, and there will be peach . A look can only be in one word: ! Its slope is said to be 85 , ! I down step by step, the with both hands. After for 7 or 8 , I . back, I felt by the . It is "I don't know the true face of , just live on this !" After the 100th steps, we went back to the world - pine. pine to the , like to the guest. After , we took this down the . The trip to is over.

In the next four days, we Lake, Old , Xidi, and . It can be as . I found my motto in the : comes from hard work, cheap comes from . I feel that the of Hu and Wang for of years is not easy. The trip to also gave us a : let us know the words "y" and "her".

This trip, I will stay in .

notes in 31

Xu Xiake, a major in our , once had such : Wuyue the , and Yue. This makes me know that is than Wuyue. Last year, I was to visit . was of "the first in the world". It the of , the of , the smoke of , the in , and the of Emei in .

On the of 2 last year, we got on the train and took about 17 hours, and my and I came to City. At more than 4 o'clock the next , we led the aunt of the tour guide to the door of . I up, and I saw a on it, and the work of the work on it wrote the two "".

We the gate of . 's are and , which are and . We up along the steps. The steps here are not very steep, and we are not to walk. The air is very fresh. After for a while, we sat on the . About ten later, we went to the 'on the . I asked the tour guide when I could see Qishi and . He said that he would go the "Lotus Peak" of the first peak of to see. I it, and I the first peak "Lotus Peak" at 11:34. I stood at the peak of 1864 above sea level. I saw the and the sea . The first line of the river, some were from the black rocks and . I said, " was by me!"

In the , we came to . It a to on his arms. Then I a scene, a large stone like a brush head with a tall pine tree on it. The aunt of the guide said, "This is a dream pen."到底是怎么回事? The tour guide also said: " has it that Li Bai had a dream every night, and that there was a large pen in a place in and a on it. He came to for this dream. I saw a like a dream . So this scene is named ' ". It is named " the Sea".

Later, we also a steps of cloud , stone, , and so on. After going down the . I said, " is so !"

notes in 32

Today, there is no cloud and a sun. It is a good day of . When I heard the words of , I am both happy and . I am happy: I can drift! What is is: when to , it will rush down with the water from the , and then the will be from the head! It is a tiger, but it seems to be a tiger who is of , it is a tiger in a cage that has never about and .你知道吗? of , it was out of the orcs ...

An thing in the was on the , and I 't wait to relax. So I to let my take me to Yanu Park to play. On that day, the sky was clear, and there was no cloud. After the park, my took me to play.

life is , this year my is very happy. One day in the , when I was , I found a . ant, the ant shook two small , and .

The long - came, and we could relax. I about where I went out and .我想了。我想了。 Last , my took our to the Along Bay Park in Sanya. That , our on the track.

I found that there was an me, that is, the fan of my . Don't my fan. It is not worth a few . In fact, he is my house day and night. it is or , or , in the or noon, at night or early . I haven't , as long as you ...

The tree is , hard, with , fine , fine , , and -proof. It is an for ships, and art. Its are stout, which can make it deep in all . It is in the four . it is or , the tree is so .

The two most in life and death "The Blue of Sky Blue" are the of life and the end of life. does not know how they come to this world and how they leave the world.

notes in 33

is for its . How many want to see! , I had the to view with my .如此令人兴奋!

As soon as I , I knew what to see. First of all, your eyes are the down. It is like a that off the , with the sound of water, the , and . It was " three , and the fell for nine days." The winds along the , a soft water. The water is 'clear, and the sand is . I 't help wrong. Oh, so cold, than !

I have the iron arm in Park in , but I have never seen a steep peak like ! is high. A peak went into the cloud, but it was not high. In , Tiebi can only be as a small mound. is . Some are like fairy , some look like to see the sea, some like pigs to eat , and some look like to beat . The peaks are , ! is . This road must be up with iron ropes to climb up. The most is the " Back", which is the the two .

is scene. close to each other, like a dense fog, those peaks a trace, as soon as the wind blows, the fog away, and the ; far away, the white are like white , the , the , the , and the .舞蹈; from the , it like a sea, only a few peaks were . As if it is an in the sea, it is in the from time to time, which makes feel like a .

, and , I love you! Even if I go to the ends of the world, I will never you!

notes in 34

On the of 14, 2011, my and I went to by car.

It was noon when the Tower Inn under . After lunch, we went to a , . is not large, I will to the inn . Early the next , we set off to .

When I the bus to Area, I was very and full of : I used to see the of on books and TV, which me . Now we are going to see the true of .它是什么样的?我等。 The road on the is not easy, and a lot of . the has been along this road and , the bus bumps were very bumpy. I sat on the bus fear, for the car to reach my . , I was and got out of the car.

After out of the car, the in front of me left me a deep : the peaks were all green, the thick fog the , and the white the top of the . Now, I have not the real spot, just at the gate of the area. In order to save time and , we chose the the and the . Go to the cable car and look out the . of the fog today, I only see white. When you reach the , you can see the . We the to the plan. After a while, the fog was lined, and the peaks were . The rocks on the peaks are . They are . The and like a block, up the peak. , it is !

Then I and saw a lot of , which was also in texts. "Fairy chess' as if two were chess, and -by ; 's was like the 's hands , the next to the ; the was vivid to see the sea. When you look at it, you will think of a on the top of the and . With so many , I can't see them. We to the peak and saw . The West Sea Grand in is the last stop of our visit. The road of the Grand is very , with 65 steps, and are often on the road. But the of the Grand is also the most in . There are more peaks and of . It can be said that there are , and the and has been fully in the Grand . down at the of the , there are all kinds of trees and . When the sun comes out, the non - part of the will emit light. When the fog comes, it is like the magic of the . . The fog , and was . Yun is not far from our heads.

One night after rest, we went to the peak of 's peaks-. Go to Lotus Peak and watch so many steps, I want to . But now that you have to climb the lotus peak, you have to bite your head. After a while, I found that I was not very tired, so I to . I throw my far . When I the top of the , they were on the . In the of to the top of the , more was in front of me. I to the top of the , and the wind blew my ears. The peaks me are under my feet, and Bai Yun is under my feet. I Du Fu's of " the peak, the ". at the peaks me, I a 'Wuyue the , and the '. This is is , , and at the same time, the of . Xu Xiake said: ' , there is no in the world. ' is !

After the Lotus Peak, we were going to the again. Most of the trees in are pine trees. They are all . Even if the pine tree grows in the of the stone, even if the pine tree grows on the top of the . pine is the of these pine trees. It is tall, , green, aside, as if . After the , we went down the and drove home.

, , and , I will see you next time.

notes in Two 35

On 4, I was very happy we were going to , where there were steep Peak and high lotus peaks. All of these are so to the stars and the moon, and look to this day. Do you think I am not happy?

On this day, there is no cloud, is cool, it is a good for . We and Fang set off . of the good mood, we felt like a good horse, and soon we the foot of .

At 4:30 in the the next day, we got up and took a bus to Robe, where the were . We lined up for an hour to take a cable car to . As soon as I got on the cable car, I down. Oh my god, there is an abyss below. I down and . I think no how bold will be dizzy. When I got off the cable car, I felt a cold wind on the face, and . I put on my and to the top of the .

Going to the of '' 'and the name "", I feel very . When I look at it again, I think the name "" is . The steep and stone steps to the sky, and the stone steps were to the face. We and to the of - the . This pine is very high, and has not been old for of years. It to the front like an old man, and it is for . I took a few with this 'old man' . After that, we came to the front of the sky, as the name , and we can only cross alone. We the first sky. We to the Lotus Peak and came to the cliff. up, we can see all the of at a . Haha, Feng's shows its over there! We and came to top. At this time, the lotus peak us was like three , and we are to be we. We must climb. Along the way, we also saw the on the back of Aoyu. Mom to , and and . Fang and I gave a lot of names for those based on the grade " Qi Stone". At noon, we came to the best point of ''. The stone is like a from a gust of wind on the top of the , but this stone has only a with the big stone below, so I feel sweat for it, for fear that it will be blown down by the wind. 。

Ah -', Hotel is on the peak in front. We are tired and body. When we see the , it has numb our legs, and the . In front of us, to say, this is the Hotel. Oh, we can rest. Most of the time of the trip made me and tired. After , I fell .

After up, I 't wait to take my to the me, and the came into view again. A "pen" grows on a huge stone , and a pine tree on the "pen" is . This is the "Dream Pen Hua" spot. On a tall peak, there is a huge , like a stone the sea of ​​, the sea, is a ' the sea '.

After , a round of moon rose. It is as big as a jar with lemon red.真的很漂亮!

notes in Two 36

It is . Mom and dad take us to visit .

is . We for two hours in the cable car. When we on the , it was dusk, and the sun was down the . The on the line is . First of all, we saw Song. pine is too , like an open . The form an to .

After pine, we to Hotel, and we to the first . At first , it looks like a crack in the of a fast rock, a small the . When we into the sky, the came and the moon came out. The moon looks like a boat. I can't see my . My was a , so we for a while. I also saw a large stone in the sky. I said, "Will the big rock fall down?" My said "No", we out of the sky and saw the stars full of sky. I said to my , "There seems to be a in the sky." My at it and said, "It's like a lion."

We to move the night and at the hotel. Today's is .

notes Two 37

, a well -known world with and , how many want to go to the tour.

As soon as I , my eyes could not be busy. I don't know what to see. The first thing that came into view was the with a . The sound of water, rapid flow, and , " down three feet, to be the Milky Way for nine days."

is high! The peaks are into the and do not see the top of the . Tiebi can only be as a small mound to it! is so ! Some are like fairy back , some are like Wu Song , some like pigs' , some like to watch the sea ... is ! The road of the Peak, all of the roads, have to pull the iron cable to climb up.

The sea of ​​ of Peak is scene. It looks like a layer of dense fog. It those peaks and a trace. at the white in the , it is the .

, , , , I love you, just walk to the end of the world, and I don't you.

Notes 38

said, "The five Yue to watch the , and the the Yue." In the , I had a to come to to see the here.

We came to the of the Area and took the cable car to the foot of . The first thing that came into view was the world and lush guest pine. Its , like a pair of open arms, us : " you to !" birds also stood on the and sang the song to us.

at the foot of Peak, up, ah, the high peaks into the sky, and I 't help but hit a small drum: Can I climb up? at the steep iron chain, the long face to be from the sky, so it was . at the one by one, I had no time to think about it, and . I the iron chain, my hands on the , using my hands and feet, like a , and the in the back me ... That's it, I also to climb up.

, I . down, there was an abyss under his feet, and it that he would fall down when he was , and it was . at the , the house is small like a fire box, and the seem to be a small ant, and the big tree has a small in the . This and this scene me of Du Fu's : "Will be the top of Ling, to see the ."

is also known for . You see, the white sea of ​​ in front of you rolls, feel like a . The , the of also , look. The white just and ran, and there was . The tail of the , and his body .我后悔。 A into my eyes ...

In , I am tired, , , ... Ah, , I love you, just like mice love rice!

notes in 39

"The five Yue to see the , and the of will not look at the Yue." The of has been . Last , I went to to visit.

Early in the , we took the cable car from Yungu up the . The first thing we was the Lion Peak. The rocks here are . Some are like , some are like books, some are , and some rocks crack a pine tree in the , like a stone lotus. The most is a stone on the edge of the cliff -the the sea. away, I saw the on the cliff and up at the sea of ​​ in the sky, as if the in was for Sun to come back with !

After out of the Lion Peak, we lived in Hotel next to . The Hotel is like its name. It is white , and it looks like a milk, which is not on; it looks like a layer of veil, ; it looks like white . there is a piece of . in front of you; it is like the white snow in the sky, and it is vast. These and mist at all times, Hotel like a .

The next day, we left the Hotel early to to go the Aoyu Peak. The wind on the top of Aoyu Peak was very large, the road was blown very , and there was no . The fog in the was white, but the top was blown by the wind. I on the top of the peak, and my and hair with the wind. I feel like a kite, and I will be blown to the sky at any time. In this way, I moved step by step, as I moved down the .

After off the Aoyu Peak, we came to Lotus Peak after a -step cloud . Lotus Peak is the first peak of . I that I must the lotus peak. I got tired of less than ten up the . I don't know how many of this step, look up, and can't see the end. I can only to climb up. After a long time, I the , and I was about to win. I in my heart. But when I got into the small hole in the , I was . The "steps in the small hole were and than . I had to help the rocks on the side and , and the speed was much . After out of the cave, it was the peak. The next steps and steep, and I up with steps. , I the Lotus Peak, and my dream- "view of the " was . It's not easy to think about it.

When I came down from the Lotus Peak, I was when I took the cable car and went down the , but this time the trip was in my , .

notes Two 40

Xu Xiake once said such a : Wuyue the , and Yue. the , our came to I for a long time. Dad drove the car and went to City four hours. We found a hotel to stay.

In the early of the next day, we came to by . At first , I 't help but .黄山不愧是聚集了峨嵋山的秀、泰山的`险,华山的奇。








