街:建筑物6、7、10、12-16和 Beili的一楼商店。
街: Lane; 巷1、3、5、7和相邻的平房,9、11、13、15、47; 花园的3号建筑物。
街: 1号建筑物,第2号建筑物,6号建筑物,22号建筑物,建筑物23和24号建筑物。
: 5号建筑物,6号建筑物,第7楼和8号建筑物。
长春街:扬昌市的建筑物1、2和3; 的建筑物4和5。
Road : Xili的建筑物4、5和6。
Yushu City:Ruida (包括MD Shop,New ,新鲜食品超市),繁荣的Anju。
街:Daxue Road沿线的商店和建筑物(第38-102号,191-265号和Daxue Road 242-318)。
陶浦镇: Road 111号巷。
Youyi Road街道:鲍林路3号村庄。
Town:19-59和36-68号, Road。
县:镇; 社区,镇, 社区,村,社区的 Mopan Group的社区(包括附属的立面); Yudu East, Town, 社区,新华社社区中央花园社区,社区Yudu 社区,Wucha社区,Wucha社区,Xinhe社区社区,社区, 社区社区社区, 社区西区; Baoji镇的 和村; 村和镇的村; Chuji Town的Chuji 向东到S23 5省级高速公路,延伸到南部的 Road,西部的 Road,以及北部的老挝(封闭区域包括 Grain Depot); , , Road 和 Town的 ; Renhe村位于Feihe镇。
: ( ), City , Route , Tian , and its , and its ,东冯社区社区,Tuohe 社区,社区村( South)( South)( South),位于 Road以东, Road以西,汉契兹路以西,汉切兹路( Road Road,社区, , 社区政治教室小学,街道, Swan Swan Bay社区, 街社区Yinhe Green Grene South South South , Shili ,Shili ,Shili Shili and Shili 桑巴街Sanli社区明苏华沙社区。
县: , , (以前是 ,行政村),自然村,行政村庄, Town(以前是 , ) GOU社区的居民集团,行政村的Lilou , 的 的建筑以及社区的商业建筑。
利克森县: ,Sanhe社区,镇,村,村,村,村,村,镇,村,村,新罕社区师范大学师范大学隶属于小学的家庭医院,在邻里快递点,新海社区对面,在地区师范大学附属小学,苏吉餐厅,第3单元,南建筑,商业和住宅建筑,皇家房地产社区,尚迪尼亚社区的商业和住宅建筑 的贸易港口,贸易港口的10号建筑物(一楼和2层),D区D区,位于, Town和,村, Town。
区:16、26和30号的住宅建筑和店面,下街和 Road 99号。
XIHU区:建筑物3、4、5和6号,位于学校工厂以北,Ruzi Road ,No.155和157 ; ,第19、27、27号,33和35号。
青金普区: 的江西安社区建筑路225号建筑物和2号建筑物。
Lake区:位于 Road的社区的建筑物2和3,位于 的 169号的北区宿舍342 Road的342号 Road的建筑物。
CAO县:镇 的东村。
兰科县: 和村,Xuhe乡镇。
City: Town Fresh and Co., Ltd., the area west of and north of the of , , , , Yijin , , ,Houli村。
县:办公室Dahe社区 East Team。
Luohu区: 的“建筑物2-3-5和16号建筑物”所包围的区域。
区: 第2阶段阶段的A和B; Xili 第3阶段的东部地区; Shahe 的East第三,东四和西第二个车道; New 13,Xili 大楼。
朗冈区:第13号,亨格南街,布吉街,布吉街,第6和7号,东4号巷,拜胡瓦,第6和7号,第6和7号,东三车,拜胡瓦1号,1。12,13,13,13以及14,班蒂安街( ),班蒂安街( ),Xinxi第4号和第4号班蒂安街( )的第7巷( ),第2巷()第2巷(。3)和第4号车道(),后面2、3和4号 落后于Xisan Lane的第2、3和4号;亨格街Yijin社区的 建筑物2。
: 的A单元,Fubao ,Ditao 的2号建筑物,宿舍A单元118号Puti Road的A单元, 2阶段的D1建筑物, Manor和Ditao B B, B. 社区的 ; 的Vanke Home 1-5建筑物; 社区 East 的10号建筑物,街 - 建筑物13号建筑物,建筑物18-22,建筑物9-13,建筑物23-30,建筑物41-47,建筑物41-47,建筑物61,,,, ,Haiyi ,A Block A,A, ;南建筑物丁(South ding)是元街社区的统一商业和住宅建筑(不包括讲台部分),第57-58号和 以东的第57-58号和第61-64号。
New :AB,1号建筑物,, 。
Bao'an区:,No.5005 Bao'an , , , A,B和C, Coast ,Haiyu ,Haiyu ,Xin'an 的8号建筑物。
区:第1、2和3号,1号巷1号,第二区,社区, ,第1、2和3号,第2巷, 2nd 。
昌昌区:祖米亚街 Road 34号和36号。
区:镇Muyun 的IV期。
区:北海大道以北,Gaode ,上海路以东,Henan Road以西,Huhai Road以西(规划路)(绿色除外),Malan村委员会 ,Malan 委员会,10-12, Gaode教育居民区1号第7号建筑物,第16号,Caiwu村16号,北高大街,村委员会,社区,社区,5至7 委员会,C106-108号,第1阶段,重建区,GAO农村委员会,Malan IV,Malan 委员会委员会团队Huang的房屋,第143号, 委员会,Gaode Xili,Gaode Yiju ,Wuzai ,,,Gaode Yiju社区村委员会,海尤村,上海中路社区建筑物6、11、17和19号社区,位于马兰村委员会以东的北海大道的公寓,建筑物,建筑物,建筑物,建筑物,建筑物,建筑物,建筑物,建筑物,贝哈伊大街,吉林大道,迪哈伊·帕维利奥,花园,上海北路社区,乔尤恩社区5号的Jilin Road大楼, 社区,第92号 East Road 92 - 卧室社区第30-32号Gaode 3rd ,GAODE一居室社区第19-21号Gaode 5th ,Gaode一居室社区号51-52 Gaode Road,社区,建筑物7-9, ROAD,村庄委员会,第34-36号村庄村庄,凯吉安格村委员会,卢基,旺山村委员会村,上海中路社区Xuwu East 2区,村委员会 , North Road (整个)(调节到整个高风险区),高海村电源社区,上海中路社区 第一阶段,第二阶段,第三阶段,GAO农村事务委员会社区,GAO农村事务委员会东方珍珠社区,Gao农村事务委员会 Gaode马兰村委员会第一街Yutai ,马兰村委员会村,马兰村委员会 Bay,村委员会 ,村委员会,村委员会, Road Road , Road , Road , Road , 村委员会,Malan村委员会委员会上海城市和谐花园,上海北路社区湾新城市新城,高阳农村委员会以南的高德克森街,农村Xinye ,农村委员会的Xinye , 委员会的 委员会, ,Yacha Yacha,Yacha Yacha 村委员会的成员; New Town,Ping'an 社区,西街分区,建筑物39,社区, Road, Road, South Road社区以及Ping'an 社区社区床和早餐人的市场,Ping'an 207号社区,第二建筑物起居区,洛恩村1至6号泳道,云南南路社区,中士X Xili社区,广场Xili社区,建筑物138建筑物,广场Xili社区, 邮政宿舍, Road, Xili Road ,圭村南路平芒街社区宾甘街,吉州南路社区电视台宿舍,吉州南部社区村,西藏路社区西藏路德教会花园, Road , South Road ,50 Road石化社区, South Road社区皮肤病学院宿舍,Ping'an 社区 Road渔业公司宿舍; 大楼B, Road, Road, 建筑物13号建筑物,Bihai New City 1号建筑物, Road 60号,建筑物3号, , Road, Road, Road, ,Dushu South Power south South第7巷至9号巷,社区的Lizhu社区,街道两边的10个单位, Road, Road, Road社区和社区, Road 167号, Road, Road, , , , North Road, North Road ,怀沙社区,海事宿舍,贝布旺西路社区,威沙巷2至4,威沙社区,怀沙社区, Road玻璃工厂宿舍, Road社区,,, Road Beilu Ocean宿舍,建筑物1至12西方社区社区委员会, Road社区渔业宿舍,社区, 5th Lane, Road; Yima街西南大街以南,广东路以东,在广场东墙以西,铁路以北,北海道以北,上海路以西,上海路以西,西南大道以北和湖南路以东(除非拘留中心, 社区和太平洋广场), Road和Hunan Road的交汇处,位于Banpo区Banpo区1号的 Mall ,Yima 委员会,Banpo 2 17号,Banpo 2区,第2区,第2区。第53号,第53号村庄,Huhai Road社区,第13号,西1号车道,尼玛村委员会尼玛村委员会第3巷,第2区,蒂安兴公寓, ROAD, ROAD,NO.97, EAST,东部地区,东部地区,东部地区,东部,东部,东部,东部地区,东部地区亚洲村,四川南路,Baiwu社区社区委员会公寓,Baiwu社区城市景观, 大楼2, Road, Road绿色 2A,Yima村委员会上海委员会上海路 Road Xindu大楼20 A,大楼,Yihai 社区,5号建筑物,绿色 ,Baiwu社区,达兴公寓B,社区大楼29号, ,Baiwu Road的福利花园。 社区新区,社区大楼, , Road 6-8号, Road,Baiwu haiyu , Baoli Baoli Baoli , , Home, , Road, , Lane 5, Huhai Road , Yima South Road , Yima Banpo , Baiwu Road , Baiwu Road , ,社区,社区财富花园,Yihai 社区时报Xili,社区 Fruit , 社区, on Road, Road, of of of of of Yima , 社区,, Road, ,Baiwu Baiwu New of Baiwu社区,Yima村委员会,Yima村委员会,Yima村,Yima New , ,6 Lane 6 Lane,,, Road,Baiwu社区 Road Road综合市场, Huhai Road Bank , Huhai Road New , Huhai Road Huhai Road Rose , , Road , , Baiwu Wanhe Road , , Baiwu 重庆路Boya ,社区北京路旺申公寓, South Road , -hong-hong-hong , Road South Pearl , Suwu ,Haihe ,Haihe ,Haihe ,Haihe , , , 社区链接Xili Liu Xiang 社区,Baiwu社区 Road City,Huhai Road 村,Baiwu社区村,村,Baiwu Road,Baiwu Road,Baiwu ,小型住宅社区,Baiwu ,baiwu , New Town new Town,New Town,New Town,New Town,New Town,New Town,New Town,New Road , Haiyu , North Road, , , Road, , Baiwu , No. 107 Road, Nos. 1 to 5, Lane 1, Huhai Road, Huhai Road , ,Yima村委员会村,Yima村委员会Fuhao商业和住宅社区,Yima村委员会 , ; Tanwu , Lane 7, Road 9 花园大楼2,社区大楼4,Huhai Road社区社区社区委员会 1号建筑物1号21, Road, Road社区,Lanes,Lanes 1至3教育巷,深圳路, Road社区,农业机械局宿舍, Road 75号, Road No.75 East Road 82 Hunan Road No. ,East East Road, , Land , East Roau Roau 委员会宿舍,市场, Road East Road 社区, 海洋研究所宿舍,社区海洋社区, Road , Road ,深圳市Xili Alley,前后的三个款项 Lane 7,社区,Fuyi , , Road社区,ICBC宿舍,社区; Lanes 1至3,宽街街( ),第20号街,第20号巷( ), , ,Lane Lane,左右有5个房间,36、38、40和3 ,第2巷,温林南路,公园路社区,第47号,49和51号,二号巷二楼,社区51号二楼,B楼建筑物,建筑材料购物中心社区,社区 ,教育局住宅区北村路3号公园路3号,贝布湾402至404号公园路1号,北巷1号,北巷1号,南胡路社区,南苏路社区京都花园社区和贡尤恩路社区和1至16 West Lanes 区, Road社区的 East Road, Road社区的Park Road社区,社区3号巷3号巷,社区,每日宿舍,社区的文明花园, Lanes, Lanes,Xinli 。 社区气象社区,Plaza 社区教育住宅社区,社区45 Road Team Team ,社区的村, 的Lanes 1至3,位于 , , 的 的Lanes。 5至7和25至27至27 Road在社区,社区的Niupi Lane,位于 的47至49号的47至49号,位于社区的 East Road, Road宿舍,位于 ,Plaza East ,社区的Plaza East 社区的市场,社区的 ,社区区 Lane 1至3号泳道,第89至91号社区的 Road, Road社区的42至45号公园路42号; Shapo Lane 1号第18-20号,位于 的 Road , tibet 5号房间,围绕12号房间,第3号巷,洪明岛花园, Road 和Dacun,Dacun和Dacun, Road, Road, Road, Road, Road社区, Road Yipin, Road社区,康明路( Road Yipin),康明路( Road Yipin),康明路( Road Yipin),康明路( Road)社区昆明路社区( Road Road在西南大街以北,河南路以西,上海路以东和贝哈伊大街以南(林业研究所以及孕产妇和儿童健康医院除外);在上海路以西,北部大道以西,北部路以东,位于贝布万路以南(在主要道路上保持交通);在北海大道( )以南,在北海路( Wall)以东的上海路以西(在主要道路上保持交通);云南南路社区 ;在张西路( West Road)以东,在宾达()以南, Road以西,以及中山路以北。
区: Town 村委员会社区, West 2nd Road,重建区,村委员会前Glass 宿舍区,Haix 社区,社区 Road低货币社区, , , , , , ,社区汤阳之家社区,哈克斯社区 Home South ,Haix 社区社区,Haix 社区,Haix ,Haix Plaza社区,Haix haix of haix of haix of haix and haix of haix 社区社区,Haix Home,Haix 社区,Haix C39,C10建筑物C10和C18建筑物C18, of of , of of of , 社区, New New of 的区域E,Guix Lihua 社区,社区重建社区,村委员会 City社区以及Xing村委员会和 世纪的公寓社区,六角村委员会社区,十六进制村委员会新世纪住宅区,六角村委员会村,村委员会 , New New , 委员会 1, , 委员会 , 委员会Yuelu , 委员会海外中国建筑新村庄以及Ping村委员会的Yanxi村庄, 委员会的村庄, 的 委员会, 的 村村委员会村委员,村委员会 社区, Town,村委员会, Villa Sihai Hotel; Town 社区,第133-136号, East 2nd Lane; Town 委员会委员会5, Farm Malan , 委员会 Wu's Farm, 委员会 Team 8团队9团队,第10支小组;福昌村委员会的新智安第四街,福昌村委员会,福昌村委员会福昌伊利,福昌村委员会的村庄,洪顿村的北丹村村,洪顿村委员会,洪吉特村委员会的达宾通村委员会委员会6号 委员会委员会村庄,Xicun 委员会委员会小组5,达坎村委员会 , 委员会 。
HEPU县:Magou ,村委员会, Town,第4号团队,皇后村委员会, Town, Lin Mouyu住房区, , Town, Town, 3号, 委员小镇。
City:1单元,第3号建筑物, 社区。
国际农业贸易城的 Coral ,第4号建筑物,第2号建筑物3号建筑物,第4号建筑物, North , Coral ; Jinbi 的 Jinbi 第3阶段672号建筑物包括619栋建筑物。
区: 162号Shudu 建筑物22号建筑物。
青阳区:街十二桥路16号的建筑物10和11号,第2号; Funan街18号 Lane 18号绿色绿色花园3号建筑物; South ( South 18和20 )的建筑物11和12号,第18和20号,建筑物1, 28号 (第28号 ), Meilu,街7 (第1路301号)。
区:自建造家庭和公司财产的地区位于 Town 的第6组,第175号,第5组, , ,该地区,该地区有两排自建筑物的房屋案子房屋所在的街道; 1号瓦里托(East 1st ),夏迪安兹街( )的1号和2号庭院1和2号的第2号庭院包括一楼的商店,第427号 West Road,附属于1-6个社区1号和地下商店的单位; 富根路第1节36号的38号建筑物。
武湖地区:旺吉安格路街( Road 19号)的北区4-5号建筑物; 街100号吉亚街100号建筑物。
成夏区:建筑物2-8,, Road ( South 1号路11号),包括建筑物底楼的商店,建筑物6号建筑物,建筑物(Wende Road 231号),第233号,第233号,第233号,第3节, North Road,以及( South 1st Road)的社区入口二楼的商店和小商店(第2号, South 1st Road); 的4号建筑物(Huayu Road 9号), Yaju建筑物3和5号建筑物( 1号,第1号), Homes 1号建筑物;第5阶段的长建筑物,位于棕褐色工业园(Huayu Road 26号)的重置住房;熊猫大道(Panda )(第11号,熊猫大道)的1号建筑物2和8; (第3号, North Road)的6、7号建筑物,包括第10部分),包括大楼1楼层商人的底部, 1阶段1大楼(包括98 South Road),包括地下商人,长期为 1阶段建筑物3; 的 North Road第2部分,第5号附件1号建筑物; Qiao 机车工厂宿舍71号建筑。
区:Wei'an City的40和41号建筑物(包括底楼商店)(第3666号,Yidu West Road, , ), D区1区, D, Road 208街3号建筑物(包括一楼的商人); Dong'an 的7座建筑物(包括一楼的商人); Xihe 的 Road 577号(包括底楼商人)的577号纽约州的5座建筑物; 2座 的建筑物, (包括底楼商人),社区,第50号 Road,Binhe ,Binhe ,E1 New City 8号建筑物,Yihe New City,No.488 Road(包括地面商人),第488号,兰蒂安(),第876号Yidu East Road社区(包括底楼商店),第2号建筑物, ,No.218 (包括底楼商店),13号建筑物,F2区,Yihe New City,New City,New City,No.388 Road(包括底楼的商店),第756号,朗迪·南路( South Road)4号 社区的4号建筑物,Grand 的2号建筑物,第400号 East Road,Yihe New 1的17号建筑物, 1号建筑物1号建筑物,No. 41 Road, Court 2号建筑物,狼街46号建筑;第9大楼, Yue 社区,第99号,车臣西5号路,达米安街,9号大楼, Cloud Cube ,No.816 (包括底部商店),5号建筑物,Pucao Road No. ,社区(包括一楼的商人);大楼314号,江户路,村,发抖的街(包括底楼商人); Baihe (包括底楼商人),第926号社区,第926号,第926号公路,第777号街9号大楼(包括底部商店), Co.,Ltd.,No Auto Parts Co., Dong5路129号。
Xindu区:景兰·卢多( Ludao)1阶段(包括位于底层的商店)的7号建筑物,位于 Road交汇处的东侧和Ring Road的南部,Yudi Huafu的2号建筑物(包括底楼的商店),第718号,富士1号路的东部,A区 13号建筑物(包括底楼的商店),B区(包括底楼的商店)和C区的18号建筑物(包括底楼的商店),田富( ),蒂安()路( Road),大街。
高科技区:Guixi Forte 5号建筑物( Road,高科技区1200号)。
洪县: Town Draig d(建筑物17、20),E1区(12号建筑物),F2区域(1号建筑物,南部5号建筑物),F3区(建筑物16、18、32),F4区(大楼25号建筑物) ,第35号建筑物),F5区(第13号建筑物),第88号和路215号。
成山区:高加州道路式刘易安家庭庭院,第94-98号扬,汽车运输公司家庭庭院,第67号社区,社区,第81号社区数字)家庭住宅,第3号(奇数)社区,-地区(-地区)( Road以北, South Road以东,高兰岛路以西,位于Galan Road以西), ) ,Jiuda Road 1-19 Odd-社区(在 South Road以东,广方南路以南,位于 West Road以北的高兰路以西); Plaza Ma Store, CITIC , - Self-built area, 13-1 5 (odd ) , home, home, home, New 227 New ,商业会计学校, No. 188-196 , ,No. 87-123 159号。铁路设计学院社区,火车站街, Food ,Luyin ,第四村自建筑区域(第201-276号),社区,铁路东村街,他自行建造的 (号) 268-279,第304-372号), No.65社区,Yinda家庭庭院,社区,社区, West West Water Pump Pump 社区; ,铁路西部村庄街社区,Juan , 家庭住宅, 10号中学家庭住宅,位于宽大街兰坦社区的48号中学,朱纽地区(包括新捷克州的北部)花园区第2区,包括 Benma Group South I阶段的经济适用房,包括公司东部的 包装和印刷公司,包括 No. 9号地区的B区)位于东冈世纪新村庄D区的4-3大楼,西马奥工厂家庭庭院,Ximen水果和蔬菜住宅,位于 East区, East区,RUIDE,街,Moore ,Ruide,Ruide商业区区域,第9号建筑物,第2122号,地区党委员会家庭庭院, , Bund ,医院,Nanhe Road 村自建筑区(Yanxi Road)以北,Yanxi Road以北,南部,南部,南部。 Road,在警察学院家族法院以东),自建筑物区域( Park以北,在 北部的大楼以北, Fruit 的大楼以北,大楼以北)建筑房屋区区, Road Anju社区,工业和商业局的家庭庭院,社区, , Road Road自行建造的住房区, Park地区D -2268 Nanhe Road(甚至号码)家庭庭院,Yanxi No.21 Road社区,原始社区,Huafu社区,Huafu社区,No.2686-2692 Nanhe Road(甚至号码)的家庭庭院(甚至号) ,位于金彭社区Nanhe Road 2794-2806号的家庭庭院-2895奇数,2907-2911奇数),Yanxi Road自建筑物区域区域(1677 -1707,1715,1715,1725,1733,1739,1739单号),Huafu ,社区, No. 109-118,IU,IU,IU,IU酒店, Lido,,第371号,拥有第一名的家庭庭院,社区,村社区Yanxi Road的自建筑物社区(地区政府住宅区以北) Yanxi Road和 Court的南部), Hotel,Nanhe No.2764-2778 Road(甚至号码), Road科学技术社区,地区( Park, East Road,West Road, Park北部,西部东路,西部东部,西部东路,西部东部,西部东部,西部东部,西部东部,西部。 Road以南的 North Road的位置; Road 的Yihe , Plaza A街22-48号, Lane甚至编号社区; Road街区, 家庭住宅,广播和电视社区,第484号 Road, West Road,No. 179-235 Lane(奇数)家庭住宅,Jiuda Road Road Homes,No. -298 -306 Road(甚至数字)家庭住宅,街2036号, East Road,Nanhe ,Sanyi , East Road的自建筑物(No. 2252-2366) ,以及整个村社区(不包括第6号,Duan Road,Duan No. 1519 ),省气象局辅助院子,社区, ,第6店, Road( Spray Paint),焦虑社区,纳姆庭院,东冈路的温明村(第1675-1911号), ; 自建筑区,街(在金华财富中心的西部,位于街以东,在温暖家中的南部,高科技创新公园的北部),Jiye (西南地区),西南地区(西南地区),西南地区North Tan West 1(第408-1136号),Hetai , 矿场东部庭院,西部庭院,建筑机械工厂,社区245号, Road,No.40-44 ( No.什至数字)家庭庭院,丁格西第二个分支路社区的 Lane社区; Road街区, Road社区, Road社区第48号; 三个网格(在 Road以西, Road以西, Auto Vive 以东, 的南部边缘), Road北区的2-52号(甚至数字),第3 bai。路 - 没有。 60, Road,第65号社区,便利店,第65号公路,第65号,第60号社区,53-65奇数社区53-65,位于 Road的South ,84-90偶数社区,231-285奇数社区 Road,115-123奇数社区 Road,市政家庭住宅社区第45-53号,中心第45-53号,第126号社区,134和136 Road ,第909号 Lane, Lao Zhang的商店,Minji ,Lan ,省建筑材料家庭庭院,甘南路927号社区; 1912-2926,街的Yanxi Road的自建筑区(甚至号码), ,屠宰场北侧的平房区(工厂区域是高科技区),蔬菜Yanxi No.543-995(奇数数)的 C区的交通警察旅的北侧市场(奇数)(奇数)(奇数),位于Yanxi Road的自建筑物区域C区 City地区C区。 Yanxi Road的自建筑区(甚至数字780-818,Yanxi Road,Yanxi Road,3520 Road,3362-3460均匀数字, Road), Home; No. 502 Road,中国科学院兰州分公司,调味店和仓库,区1,Nanhe 社区,大城市; Kaidi Huali家族, South Road 249-349;广场街2-10号Daohe (甚至号码)家庭住宅,社区,32-42号社区;第11-50号,福龙中街的自建筑物区域,扬吉亚古社区; Area A,村庄,天窗村(位于 Old Road以西,位于北环路(North Ring Road)以北的国家高速公路以北,北环路(North Ring Road)以东,小米山(银河国际区B;庆元群岛第二次建造了家庭住宅。 Road jing'er 19号街,Gulou Lane 蔬菜店,Huaxi South Road 153号; 街扬吉亚古自建造区(第179-196号);高科技区 Beach 2号电网(村庄的 Beach西北角),东区, West , City D区 Road社区,第54号 , No. 24 Grid(24 Grid)(向东到第三座网格住宅和前洪阳家具厂,西至加辛路,不包括省广播电视,Saifu 3 4S商店和办公室地区政府事务大厅,南到中间法院和省级广播北墙电视中心,北到 Road); Road街道(兰州大学第二医院以东,位于 Road以北, North Road以西, East Road以西),福吉亚西安社区,Jing'anmen社区。
区:位于街的花园社区,位于镇的社区,位于 的西藏岛的2号建筑物, 1号小学的家庭庭院;西海街的 Jigou沿着整个新华社社区; , North Road,分区(到东部的房屋的西墙),西部的机车工厂的第4区东墙,南部的534 Line,以及排水管北部的沟渠); 社区蔬菜市场和邻近的住宅区(东部是肉厂厂房供餐农场的墙壁,西部是T210 Road,北部是 Road,而南部是 North Road); Runan社区(建筑物110-103, West , Road ),1楼08);巴厘岛的沃利普村(东部是富齐高速公路,西部是莱坦河,南部是 yan,北部是富龙桥); 社区煤炭和第六号社区; 社区。
安宁区:Peili 的电源公司(包括二楼)的办公楼。
县:俱乐部, , Town,, , Town和 。
县:Wuhe镇 Hotel; Xisha,杜尚村,贝塔尔镇。
Maiji区: Yucai 社区, New ,位于 Road以东的地区,Hupo Road以西, Road以南, West Road以北。
Hui自主县:镇 (不包括第五组)。
区:在市区 Road东北角的 West Road 146号,通往 Road 154号( Milk 附近), Wang Zhong Wang Wang Shop,Layer Shop,Layer Shop和Yu 餐厅, ,市场 Rice Shop,家庭肖像砂锅店,三个姐妹 Shop, Yaya珠宝店, Apple and Goods Shop,Yiku Shop,545-4 ,在545-4号街,545-4 -7(靠近肘部屋),成都 365号( City的Juyin Xindu商店); Town(百货商店附近)的80至116号 Road; G312沿G312( Elbow Shop附近)沿G312的 West 号72至84号; 1-5,6号建筑物,第7号建筑物,B区,金沙物流公园( Tire商店附近)。
City:社区北部庭院的1号建筑物,街,6号建筑物,8号建筑物,8号建筑物和高速公路区下方的建筑物,以及在 延伸的 East Road的入口处的平房区(在南路( East Road)以东,广告东路( East Road (单元54单元55,单元56,单元57,单元58)和第53单元;夏旺村的洪泰镇和北汉村的瓦伊村的Wuyi 。
广县:村,村,成山镇,Hebei社区,Binhe社区,社区,社区,西街社区,村, ,村, , , , , , ; 镇整个地区(Wuma 的区除外)( , ,村,村, , , , , , , , , , , , ,村,村,村村庄,海山村庄,小西奥瓦戈村,南尚尼,桑吉亚吉社区,广告社区); , ,Alima 的村;天加村,吉吉亚村,黄田村,村,村, ,镇,村, , , , ; Majia ,村, , , ,村,Qijia Town的村; 村的买家巷乡村村的买方巷; 镇村的 。
Baoan Salar自治县: (第一,第二,第三,第四,第五,第六,第六,第七和第八社区),Juji Town,村(第一社区), Town, Town,第二社会,第二社会,第三社会,第四社会,第四社会,第四社会,第四社会,,第四社会,第四社会,第四社会,,,第四社会,,,第四社区第五社会,第六社会,第七社会)。
县:Daban社区(包括Daban综合市场),上将村村和Daban镇的小岛村;苏珊村( ),纽约村村( ); 村,Kugai ,村, Town 9大楼,公共租赁住房, Road, Road,第53号, Lane, Lane,社区,社区社区区域社区社区, Hotel,Yimin ,Yimin社区和社区9号建筑物;贝林乡(包括达万托村);平尚村 , ;春田镇的扬瓦村;朗夸镇的村;五居镇钦海亚村; Nale South Gate社区和社区。
Xiahe :村的 上车道之间的住宅区, Town Henan , Town和 Hotel的下车道,建筑物6号建筑物,县低租金住房区4, Hotel,Xiahe Rui县Rui县 Hotel酒店,小酒店,城市社区卫生服务中心,金伦酒店, Hotel,Kecai ,Qimo村, ,Kecai Town,Kecai镇,行政村办公室(No. 1 -11 ),第5个自然村,安娜行政村,安uo行政村的伦桑达自然村,安quhu镇,天然村的安uo行政村庄,上海天然村和安uo行政村的西南潘自然村,以及各自的公共和牧民和牧民。 ,行政村, Brand藏族家具厂, Brand藏族家具商店,海里·宁巴天然村海里·宁巴行政村和北野行政村的2号和3号天然村庄。
马克县:吉1号,奥拉xiuma镇,贡伊团队牧民定居点,邓孔村一线队牧民定居点;市区中心路的Ma en股餐厅;在市区的江岛卢吉家居社区的1号建筑物;山羊社区大楼2号建筑物,马克县的广甘尤恩社区。
新的城市地区:钻石花园社区,扬山社区,尤耶路街区和航空公司的社区, Road 。
街: Lane, 。
Road : Xili。
振兴区: Town Road 3001-3007号。
Yushu City:社区。
: II阶段,第四村第二居民区南地区。
West Road街道:新马路258号巷。
Road街道:第541号,551、573和583 Road。
Road街道: Road 140a。
陶浦镇:Anqi New ,第396-402号,巷518号, Road。
江旺镇分区:伊克西亚路( Road),第14-16号和第448号,第14-16号和448号。
Road街道: II期,第4号村庄(1号邻里委员会),第1、2和5号,第1、2和5号,81号巷,Yanji West Road, ,Yanji West Road。
:社区,巷296号, Road
分区: Road 580巷(国家第一邻里委员会管辖权的一部分),第358号巷, Road, Road以东, Road以东, Road以东, North Road以西,以及 North of 路。
: Road 43-47号,位于 Road以东的区域, Road以南, Road以西, Road以北。
Road街道:伦尚路66号,巷301 AIGUO ROAD,宁瓦路以东, Road以东, Road以西和 Road以北。
新的江旺昌街分区: East Road以东的 Road以东地区,位于 Road以西,Minfu Road以北
Town:290 Lane, North Road,天然气公司,燃气公司的自我管理住房,位于 Road, Road, Road,公寓,巷4719号, New Road,Lane 4703, New Road,New Road,New Road(第51-82号,第51-82号) 97,第101号-no。 ),1321 Lane, Road, Road以东, Road以南,,北路以西和 Road以北的区域。
镇:第2-15号,96号巷,96号巷, ,村, Road, Road, Road。
Youyi Road街道: Road 101号 250 Road的 。
Gucun镇:第859号,Bao'an高速公路,第1-32号,第37-42号,,村,第34号,35,38,42,,, ,Lane 435, Road, Road( Road)( Road( Road)( Baogu 社区)。
杨山镇:苏新仓库,第2226号, Road,Yang ,185 Lane, Road,第190号, Road, Lane,贝宗巷, ,Meipu村,Meipu ,Meipu村,Meipu村,建筑物Meipu村,建筑物Meipu村,建筑物。 1-16, Lane 1528, Youyi Road, 1-31, Lane 1538, Youyi Road, 1-35, Lane 1558, Youyi Road, 1-47, Lane 1568, Youyi Road.
: Yuepu , Yuepu Town.
Town: , Lane 1025, Road, Group, .
Town: Co., Ltd., No. 104, .
Huamu : Yu , Lane 1883, Huamu Road.
New Town: .
Road : No. 5 of New .
: in Town, in ( ), in , City in ( ), along South of , Huadi , Jiafu in , and the near in (area by Road in the west, Road in the north, Road in the south, and East one-way in the east), , saint Quan , ; Caohe , Xinhe , Town, , Xinhe , of , , , Xinhe Yue , Xinhe , ; Zone Co., Ltd., Park Taili ; Baoji Town , Xuwei , Town , the city .
: The area to the east of Road, south of Road, west of - , and north of Road, , (east of - , north of East Road, west and south of Tuohe Road ) area (the above- high-risk and China Coal Mine ); and ; the area east of Road, south of North Road, west of East Road, and north of East Road (high risk in the area ( area) ; The area by Road, , North Road, and Road ( for high-risk areas in the ); the area by Road, Road, Lane, and West Road ( for high-risk areas in the ); Road, East Road, Hebei to Tuohe Road area; North Road, Road, Road, Tuohe Road area; Road, 2nd Road, 1st Road, North Road, Tuohe Road Road area. ( for high-risk areas and in the above areas).
: , , Good Fried in (50 north of the of Road and Road), , Town, , Town , , , Xin'an , and .
Lixin : Sanhe , , Daily Store, Town , Town , , Flour shop, Li Ping Grain and Oil Store on the , Lulou , Town Xin of He , Baozi Shop , the south of the and of Royal Real of the Team of , Area D of Trade Port ( 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10), , Town, , Old Town.
: The area north of Minde Road, west of ( the east side of ), south of Road ( the city and songs), south of East , and east of Fuhe Road , No. 88 Banbu , ; No. 51 and 53 Road, .
Xihu : No. 156 Road, Nanpu ( the east, west, south, north, ) " BBQ Big Fish , No. 66 , , Unit 3, 3, No. 1, , , No. 1, 5 in the , No. 31 , No. 33; the area east of Road, west of South Road, and south of Nanpu Road; the area by South Road, Ruzi Road, North Road, and in ; Ruzi Road North 4, 5, and 6, 155 and 15 No. 7, the area the 's of Xihu ; ( for the on , Cai , and the ); the area north of in ; ( on ); sky , Lane ( the Party and Area, and ); the area east of , south of Road, west of Road, and north of West Road in ( the south of 19, 27, 33, 35).
: 3, No. 225, Road, , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 223, Road, 12, Ruiya Co., Ltd.
Lake : of ( 3 ), No. 342 Road, South No. 167, Hong Du , Hue Gate .
Zone: Vanke Jinyu .
Cao : Wanji , , Macun , Town, , Town, V8 room, Hu Spicy Soup in Town next to , , ice pure tea, Next to the are , Store, Town , and the of Town .
: Road , , .
: , Town; , Xuhe ; , .
City: , Town, shops, areas and on both sides of the road and and Co., Ltd., the town (south of the of Zaoxu Road and ) To the area north of ) shops and areas along the , , Batai Town.
县:藤本村村庄委员会的街,天然村,Ligan Ligan 的 和 villy;在县座位的温夏路和华尤亚巷南的交叉路口以南,封闭区域的交叉路口位于南部50米西部的第一个住宅入口和出口,向东部的第一个住宅入口和出口出口。在车道西部第一个住宅入口以西100米的南北通道中,位于 Lane东侧的大门西侧和立面西侧。
Hua : , Town.
: West Team, Dahe , .
Luohu : 12, No. 2 , , Phase 5 of , of , Unit 2, 1, , ; E, No. 4006, Aiguo Road, , ; Gui 3, , , Yuan , 7, No. 38, Road; "east of Road, south of Road, - " in West of the route ( for and No. 86 Road ) and north of Hexi 1st Road" area, 141 to 163, 165 to 167, 177 to 181, , Road No. 100, the area by " 1 to 8 of New , Yuhua , Yuhua , Yuhua , and Block C".
: Buji , Buji , 1st Lane East Lane 1 to Lane 9, , , Lane 6 and Lane 7 ( high-risk areas), , Dili , , Back ( , Yijin , ( for high-risk areas).
: Phase I of New , , No. 34, South Road ( for the and the court in the area), Nanxi , , , East Road-V of The area by No. 1 Road- 1st Road (high Risk areas, room 1), the third of ; , , , Fubao , Fubao , , 1 of Di Tao , Unit B of No. 118, Puti Road , Unit C, Phase I and Phase II, Fubao Liwan in , Block A of in ; Vanke Home in ; A, B, C and all of the and in , , East No. 40-44, No. 46-56 No., No. 59A, No. 59B, No. 60, No. 65-68, No. 70-74, No. 76-78, No. 79A, No. 79B, No. 80 , No. 82-86, No. 88-89.
: 4, Phase 3, China Runfu, , , 1, , A, B, , , , ; , Xili West No. 13, 14A, 14B, 15, 16, and 17, 89, 90, 91, 97, 98, and 99, East , New , Zone, Phase 3 West ; , Shahe .
: 2, , .
New : , .
Bao'an : the area by Bao'an -Inner Ring Road- Road- of , and the Happy Coast of Haiyu in Xin'an .
: 1, Villa, Jida , No. 8 , No. 1066 East , No. 108 and 111 , .
: No. 38, Road, .
: Muyun , Xinxu Town.
: East of , south of Road, north of , west of the and , area; south of , west of , north of Road, flood To the east of the canal, the ; to the south of , to the west of the and , It is to be north of Road, east of , and the ; south of , west of Gaode Road, east of the , and north of Gaode Third , the ; west of and Road South, east of Henan Road, north of Huhai Road, the ; west of , south of , west South of Nan , east of Henan Road, east of Road, north of the , the ; south of the , east of Road, north of Road, north of Road, west of the north wall of Deli Sea and , the area; east of Road, south of Road, west of Road, north of Huhai Road, Place; east of Road, north of , south of , west of Road, the ; east of Road, north of Road, west of Road, south of , the ; East of the road, north of , west of Road, south of , the ; East of the ( Line), south of Road, south of , west of Tibet Road, north of the , the ; south of Road, west of Road, north of Road, East of East Road, the ; west of , south of Road, south of West Road, and south of Road South, by ( Zhuwu of ); of Road of Gaode ( 6, 11, 17, and 19), Bay of North Road ( Dihai ), Gao Rural Xinye ( 4 ); Park Lanes 2 to 4 of South Road in the Road ( No. 36, 38, and 40 in Lane 2 and No. 47, 49, and 51 in Lane 3), No. 51 Lane in , Yan Feng, in Mall ( B); Yima Yima Road Xindu ( B) 20 ), Green in Baiwu ( 5 and 2A), , No. 29 Road, ( B); Dushu Genxi , Road Bihai New City ( for 1 ); Road ( for 4 ).
: No. 21-28, No. 39-46, and No. 57-63, West 2nd Road, Area, Town, three of about 1,000 Zhou Yujie's home in Team 9 of , , , , south of New and east of Road , the area west of Road and north of Road ( City, City), , , 40-meter west of No. 24, Team 10, ; , , Town ; 1-6 East of , 4, East , .
Port : The area of , Po , of Town.
Hepu : Su South South Team, Ma'an , Town.
City: .
; 28 in , .
Unit 2 and 3 of , 9 units and 2 units in the coal Yuan , Style Store, Small Store, Wan Sheng Peach gas .
: 1, Nanfu Jin (No. 170 West Road), No. 488 , No. 488, New Road ( the floor of the ), No. 162 22 Area ( the ), 1-6 , , No. 43, City ( the ); 2, No. 48, No. 48, City , , ( the floor of the ); , , Road.
: 5, Yixin , (No. 89, 1, 1 of the Ring Road); No. 1, No. 1, No. 14, No. 14, No. 14, No. 14, No.16, No.16, No. 18, No. 18, No. 18, No. 18 Green 1, 2, Qing 10, No. 20 of Xinan (No. 20 South ); 3, No. 26, Shun , (No. 26 Shun ); , 1-6, 8-10, 8-10 (No. 301 Road).
Bull : Lake (Phase 1), the first of (No. 198 West ), the of the ; Road - South Road - of Road - Road, Jin - West Road "Hewei area, Five ; No. 36 No. 36, No. 1, Road, , and two.
Wuhou : No. 2, City, Road , Ximei Two (No. 1 Road), 1-3, 1-3, North , (No. 19 Road), 1 Road 1-2, 1, No. 28, No. 28, No. 28, No. 28, No. 28, No. 1, No. 1, , No. 1, No. 1, No. 1, No. 70, Yulin .
: Two of Jinke City (No. 36 Road, , ), the floor of the ; 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, and 8 (No. 52, Road, ) the floor of the ; 1 , Road ( Road, Road, ), the floor of the , 1-5, 1-5, 7-8栋(文德路231号);龙潭街道水乡嘉苑1-3栋、5-15栋(华裕路9号),包括楼栋底层商户,平祥雅居1栋、2栋、 4 (No. 1 Road), 2-9 in Home, the floor of the ; 1-8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 No. 6), the floor of the ; 1-15 , 17 , 19-21 in the four of of ; 1, 7, 12, 13, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17 18, 21-25, the party and mass (No. 11 Panda ); 1-5, 1-5, 8-10 (1-5 Xinxi in He ( No. 10, No. 10 North Road), the floor of the , 2, 3, 4, 4, and 5 (No. 98 South Road) in , the floor of the , the three of 1-2, 4-5; No. 5, No. 5, No. 5, No. 5, No. 5, 2, of the North Road, , the floor of the .
: 7th Phase III, Yicu City, the floor of the (No. 199, North Road, ), 11 and 12 and 12 of (217, Road, No. 416 Road, 416 No. 416); 14 and 15 ( the ), D, , No. 208, Road, Tong'an ; Group 2 , , , Hong'an Town; 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 8 , 9 , 10 ( the ); 1 , 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 7, and 8, 577 Road, Xihe the ); 1 and 3 ( the ), No. 488 Road, Yipei New City E1 other areas other areas and 28 ( the ), No. 218 ( the ), Road 388 9-12, 14-15 ( the ), No. 756 South Road, 1-3 ( the ) and 5-9, No. 400, East City 1, 3-7, 3-7, Phase 1, 1-16, 18, No. 4 , No. 41 Road, 1, 1, No. 46, , 1 and 3-6 ; 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 10 , 11 , 12 and 13 ( the ), No. 816 1-8, 1-8 10-11, 13-16 ( the ), Wucao Road No. 1688 Five Star ( the ); No. 306, Road, , ( the ); , 3- 24 ( the ), 1-3, 5-6, 8, 8, and of the 777, No. 777 Whale Road. No. 133 Co., Ltd., Road No. 333 Coast Co., Ltd., East 5th Road Xinyi Nuo Co., Ltd., No. 143, Road; Co., Ltd., No. 35 Road, Road, Zone, , City, No. 33, Hong Kong Ele Group Park, No. 25 China Power , No. 19 South Road, and No. 19 South Road Non - Co., Ltd.
New : No. 17 and 18, Holy Po Shang , No. 501, Road, and No. 718 East of Fujia Road, No. 718, Yufu , other ( the floor), Road, Road, . A A, other ( the floor) 13 ( the floor), and the , , Road, Road, Other ( ), Plaza, , , , , C 18 ( the floor), other ( the floor), and shops The east side of the first of Road and the south of the of ▪ Ludao Phase I 7 other ( ) 7 .
High-tech Zone: 6, B, No. 825, , ; 1-4, 6-18, Fusi , Guixi (No. 1200 Road, High-tech Zone).
: D, E1, F2 , Yun Ting Hotel, Hotel, F3, F4, and F5 areas.
: , Road , No. 198 , No. 198, West Road, Dong'er , Civil , East of Urban , 242-24, South Road 8 ( No.) , Dong'ou World Trade Plaza; Anlan , , No. 54 Unit 1/2/3/4, , Gansu Daily , No. 172 , No. 127 New , , New No. 19 House, No. 117 South Road, South Road , Road, Road, No. 140 ; , and and Midea, Nanhe ; , , , of , (No. 134-168), , , East Road (No. 1675-1911), Hao Hotel, , of the of and , , , of , of the Asia - City; Road ; unite the of of and Lane Paper No. 120, of the , Brick Wish Kiln Zone (No. 63-101), , Ding Road , South Road ; Lishe , , Yanyu Road Huike Hakka Area, , , Zone ( No. 1-153), , Zone (193-203, No. 207-258), Wuyi , Ruian , 3512 Xida 63, of , Oasis No. 1 , , Baitu Lane, Lishe No. 1; Gang D ; of Road of , , , Hotel, Yanxi Road, Jin Sheng Hotel, , Lake ; Car , Phase II; Lan River Bay, Road , Road ; Home Done D, Home B, , , , 738-750 ( No.) ; , , , Beach self-built house ( No. 474, 476-486); Xicun , Yu'an ; ; No. 1-43) in Coal Plant; Liang No. 15 area; Yulan Road ; Road City 's , No. 38-88 ( No. 3), No. 38-88 (), and Bai Road Food of Park Road; ; , Hong Ercun , , , Wheel No. 6 ;
: , Pei ( Star Hotel); the area of Power in Town (north of Road, West Road, West Road, , and the north side of the of and Park To the south of the , east of Road, and west of Road).
七里河区:南滨河中路43号至49号(单号)治安分局家属院小区,西园街道明仁花苑小区(除16号楼1-2单元外)、西藏佳苑,华坪一马路、 The area where Er -Road, Sanma Road is (in the east to , West to Road, south to Road, North To Road), , Ming , Moyou along the ; North Road, North Road, (east to North Road to the west, west to the east wall of the four of the of the line from the five -three and , south of the lower part of Hui ); Plant (East of S212 Road, south of , west of S216, north of B227); 'an , West , Road ; , Bali Town (east to , south to , south to , West to Gen and in the north); Xijin , Lake , Xihu , Xijin Power 's and (east to the east of the Film Power 's , west to flood ditch, north to the of the Film , south to the of the Wall); , West , and West ; Town .
Xigu : , , along the ditch and areas (south of the of East Road , north of Stone, east of the along the along , west of West Road), West Road) Beach and Areas (South South, South, South, Beach oil depot north, north , west of West Road), the east side of the and areas of the south of the Chen (south of the low - water plant, north of one road, and gate in the south East of the , west of an on a road ).
: Hua Shan , .
: 7, 8, No. 7, 8 of , Town, 7, Weile Ruyi , , South , Town Yihe board .
Red : Area .
: 11, Fumin , Ruomi ; Mi Grain , , Town; Kawan , Kawan , Town, in , , Liu , Store, City, , Bake Bar, Yuan Shop.
: Li Ning store, , No. 51 of , No. 9 Red Army North Road, Tower , No. 15 of the Red Army North Road, No. 15 of the Red Army The (north of the , south of the corn land, the west of the Guoyu Road Line 209, and east of the River), West Bus ( the the ), and , Zi Town.
Maiji : Cai Store, Road, Town, , , , east of Shifo North Road, west of Road, south of Road, and north of West Road.
: 3, , .
Hui : , Town ( five ), and the East Group of , Town.
Gangu : , , Lixin Town, and Hewan of ; Group 2 of , Town, and a group of ;
: Town Yicun, Ercun, Three , Dahai to the east of the , west of Road, south of to Tao Yuede House, north of Zi Road; Town (from the north of , in the west, ditch in the east, and Zhang in the south).
Wuwei City
: Taizi , Tumen Town.
: , No. 383 to 389, Road, City ( the Show of Wine Wine), Urban Dashi Cape East No. 20 to 20 -1 (vivo phone China 5G store), Hotel and first -floor in , , City Shop, No. 353 to 373, , City ( the city of Xindu); No. 79 to 101 Road, Town ( Stir -fried ); No. 85 to 157, No. 85 to Zhen West ( Auto Parts Store); B, Park.
: Majia , Town, , Ma , ; , , , , , ; ; , Alei Matu .
City: Other in the in the road ( , No. 12, No. 10, No. 9, No. 10, No. 10, No. 10, No. 4, 5, and shops the A , the 12 in and the , Yuan , and the in the city of .
: Beach Club, West , ; Wu Er Club, , ; , , and of Daban Town; , Ling , ; Lao Lao, Town .
: (1 Club, 11 Club), , .
Ji Baoan Salar : Seven , Meipo , Town; 50 from , Liuji Road, Xishi , , Town;城市。
Tutch : Sunan Town , the hall next to the , , Ma Youbu Beef , the , Qi Shi Hand Hall, Nanda , Food , Coal , Lamb , Azhou Hotel, Shop the , Luca Pai car shop, Daban Town Beach , No. 6 , , and , , , , North Wendu , , , Town.
Xiahe : The four and of the Qing , the of the , the of the 's in Town, the Henan , Joza , Hotel 2, , work Ana (No. 1 1 , No. 6 ), and the 4th of Annan , Amu went to the main of the town, Anguo Annan , Anguo Anguo , Anguo and the Anguo Geely .
Maqu : Nima Gula Road west to Road, the east of the Gula Road in , the Dadi Road , the Di Hotel, the west of Saigi Road, Xitqu Road and Gesar West , east to Gesar West With the of the , from the of Jiaqu Road and Road in the south, the north to Gula Road and Road cross , Gesar West and Road Cross Road West , south of Sidi Road At the with Gesar East , North To Gula Road and Sidi Road Road; Road and Gesar West Cross Road to the of Gesar West and Road, Road and Gesar West cross road , urban Gosa Hotel Ping Ping Fruit shop, the of the in the east gate of the city; the main of the town of Euler Town; the Ilan Hotel in the Euler Xiuma ; the old horse in Gesar West ; , .
: 16 and 17, Zone B, , Road .
Linyi : , Town.
New Urban : (No. 46 Road) on the of the .
7 House
City: .
City: 涠 北 北.
Low -risk areas or to low -risk areas
(3 days of daily )
: .
: Town.
Hexi : Chen , .
: Road .
: Town.
: .
: , Road .
New : .
City: Area.
City: Yushu City.
Jing'an : Road , , West Road .
Putuo : Taopu Town, Road , Road .
: Town, Town.
: Road , Town .
: Jiang Road , Penta , , , City .
: Town, Town, Youyi Road , Town, Gucun Town, , Town, Town, Yuepu Town.
New : Town, Huamu , Town, and New Town.
: Town.
Heze City: Cao .
City: .
City: , Lixin .
City: , Xihu , , Lake .
City: .
City: .
City: Dance Steel City.
City: .
City: Xi .
City: Schi -.
: , Luohu , , Baoan , , New , .
City: .
City: .
City: .
Ding'an : Town.
Wan Sheng Zone and .
: , Wuhou , , , , High -tech Zone, , and New .
City: .
City: , , Hepu , Port .
City: City.
City: , , , Xigu , , , High -tech Zone, and Red .
City: , .
City: Gangu , Maiji , , .
City: , .
: Xiahe , Maqu .
City: .
Wuwei City: , .
Hui : City, , , Ji Saala , .
City: New City.
, 101 + 579 was added, →
At 0-24 on July 24, 31 ( , ) and and Corps 150 newly cases. Among them, 49 cases were (19 cases in , 7 cases in , 6 cases in , 6 cases in , 4 cases in , 2 cases in , 2 cases of , 1 case of 1 case in , 1 in , 1 case of ), 11 from to cases (6 cases in , 2 cases in , 1 case in , 1 case in , and 1 case in ); 101 local cases (34 cases in , 24 cases in Gansu, 22 cases in , 11 cases in , 3 cases in , 2 cases in Anhui, 2 cases in , 2 cases in Henan, 1 case in ), 39 cases of . The to a case (19 cases in , 14 cases in Gansu, 4 cases in , 1 case in Anhui, and 1 case in ). There were no new . There are no new cases.
There were 131 new cases of on the day, 54 cases of input cases, 77 cases of local cases (19 cases in , 16 cases in Anhui, 12 cases of Gansu, 9 cases in , 7 cases in , 4 cases in Henan, 2 cases in , Inner , Inner , Inner Two cases, 2 cases in , 2 cases in , 1 case of , and 1 case of ), 11,619 close of were , and cases by 4 cases from the day.
There were 524 cases (non - cases), and there were no cases. A total of 20,409 cases were , and a total of 19,885 cases were cured, and there were no death cases.
As of 24:00 on July 24th, to the of 31 ( , ) and and Corps, there were 1776 cases of cases ( 24 cases of cases), and a total of 5226 cases of death were cured. There are no cases that have been in with the cases. who have been to close , close who are still in .
31 ( , ) and and Corps 650 cases of , of which 71 were , 579 cases of 579 cases (284 cases in Gansu, and 210 cases in In 15 cases in , 13 cases in Henan, 13 cases in , 11 cases in , 11 cases in , 9 cases in , 4 cases in , 3 cases in Anhui, 3 cases in , 1 case in , 1 case in , 1 case of ).
There were 415 from that day, of which 31 cases were , 384 in the local area (113 cases in Henan, 110 cases in Anhui, 46 cases in , 38 cases in Gansu, 23 cases in , 20 cases in , Fu 13 cases were built, 10 cases in , 8 cases in , 2 cases of , and 1 case of ); 50 cases were to cases that day (11 cases of input); 6473 cases of non - in (494 input 494 ).
cases of the in the Hong Kong, Macao and have been . Among them, the Hong Kong (6,6625 cases of , 9,469 ), and 785 cases of 785 in Macau (445 cases were from , 6 were ), and (13,742 cases were , and 8,596 were ).